To earn continuing education credit for this self-study program, you must successfully complete a multiple choice, final examination. The final exam is electronically graded and immediately reported back to you. Passing grade for this program is 70% correct. This exam is given on the "honor system" — an outside monitor is not needed.
To answer the questions, use the drop down menus to select the most appropriate answer to the question. If you wish to change an answer, simply click on the new choice and the previous selection will be "erased". When you are finished, click the "submit answers" button and your exam will be graded and the results automatically reported to you and Wall Street Instructors.
Upon successful completion of the final exam, Wall Street Instructors will electronically file your CE credits with the Department of Financial Services and send you a certificate of completion for your records. Your certificate will be mailed to the address you provided when you enrolled, using the name you used to enroll. (If you wish to have the certificate mailed to a different address, please contact us at
Be sure you have reviewed the study text and completed the study reviews at the end of each chapter before taking the final examination. If you do not score 70% or better on the exam, re-examination is available.
If you have any questions, e-mail us or call (954) 764-0254 10:00 am-5:00 pm ET Mon-Fri.
To begin your final examination, click here: FINAL EXAM. By doing so, you certify that you — the enrolled agent — will complete the final exam by yourself without any assistance from anyone else. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in loss of continuing education credits, and possible administrative sanctions by the Florida Department of Financial Services."
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